What we know could very well be your biggest reason for parterning with us.
In our twenty plus years XCENT has worked with our clients to integrate a variety vendor solutions with their environment, more numerous than are mentioned here. For some the engagement involved gaining a passing understanding. But for others, a deep and lasting understanding was necessary. The array of vendors below reflects those that we have worked with for extended periods of time and with whom our experience runs deep.
Payment card processing and related security is best left to those that do it day in and day out. Integrating a solution like ACI can give you peace of mind.
Avalara provides up to date rules on how to properly calculate sales tax in any state in the country. No commerce solution is complete without a means to handle the mind-numbing taxation rules that exist state to state.
BloomReach's big data marketing applications deliver personalized discovery to visitors between devices and across channels to give your customers relevant mobile experiences.
Epicor Connected Retailer is an enterprise grade ERP solution targeting retailers providing Sales Audit, Merchandising, Warehouse Management and more.
Listrak integrates with your customer retention efforts to provide insight into focused marketing efforts.
Paypal has become ubiquitous in online transactions as a means the everyman to participate in ecommerce.
TurnTo provides a suite of tools to connect shoppers with a store’s past customers.
Ultimate leading cloud provider of comprehensive people management solutions.
The tools available to XCENT to do its work are rapidly changing. We are careful to choose tools that truly add value to our engagements: tools that offer efficiency, tools that provide capabilities which are not easily developed, tools that have a future.
.Net has evolved into an entire ecosystem for software and systems development.
.Net allows XCENT to develop for Windows and Linux platforms and for mobile in a cross-platform approach.
Microsoft SQL Server began as just a way to manage a relational database. XCENT has been working SQL Server since Microsoft bought the rights from Sybase for version 4.2. Since then the platform has expanded to include reporting, analytics, and data warehousing. And that isn't even the complete list of what it can do.
Xamarin provides the tools to simplify cross-platform mobile development by allowing us to create shared functionality and still create a device specific experience.
What makes XCENT unique is that we are a one stop shop for all of your technology needs. XCENT works with all manner of technology particularly those important to growing and high-performing businesses.
XCENT has worked with a variety of mobile needs that span the platforms that are available.
Do you need help making a decision between native and web-based solutions? We can help identify the strengths and weaknesses as they pertain to your organization.
XCENT can automate your workforce by using techology to bring business processes to the shop floor, warehouse, or store for better material handling.
XCENT has architected complex data exchange pipelines in between and among vendor and client systems.
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